Zhero is committed to the principles of human rights, ethical business practices, and the elimination of modern-day slavery and human trafficking in all its forms. This Modern Day Slavery Statement outlines our commitment to ensuring that slavery and human trafficking are not present within our organization or our supply chains.



Zhero is opposed to any form of modern-day slavery, forced labor, human trafficking, or exploitation. We are dedicated to upholding the rights and dignity of individuals, both within our organization and throughout our supply chains. We strive to ensure that our business activities are conducted in compliance with applicable laws and regulations, including the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (or any equivalent legislation).



3.1 Management

Management is responsible for:

  1. Implementing and maintaining effective systems, policies, and controls to prevent and detect any instances of modern-day slavery or human trafficking within Zhero’s operations.
  2. Communicating this Modern Day Slavery Statement to all employees, contractors, suppliers, and stakeholders, emphasizing the importance of their compliance with anti-slavery principles.
  3. Regularly reviewing and updating Zhero’s policies, procedures, and due diligence processes to address emerging risks related to modern-day slavery.

3.2 Employees

All employees are responsible for:

  1. Familiarising themselves with and complying with this Modern Day Slavery Statement and related policies and procedures.
  2. Reporting any concerns or suspicions of modern-day slavery or human trafficking to the designated point of contact within Zhero.
  3. Cooperating fully with any investigations related to modern-day slavery and providing all necessary information as required.



4.1 Supplier Relationships

Zhero expects all suppliers, contractors, and business partners to adhere to the same high standards regarding modern-day slavery and human trafficking. Our supplier selection and management processes include appropriate due diligence measures to assess and monitor suppliers’ compliance with these principles.

4.2 Risk Assessments

Zhero conducts risk assessments of its supply chains to identify areas of potential vulnerability to modern-day slavery and human trafficking. These assessments include evaluating geographical risks, types of products or services procured, and the characteristics of suppliers.

4.3 Supplier Audits

Zhero may conduct supplier audits, either directly or through third-party auditors, to verify compliance with anti-slavery and human trafficking requirements. Audits may include on-site visits, document reviews, interviews, and other appropriate measures.

4.4 Training and Awareness

Zhero provides training and awareness programs to employees involved in procurement and supply chain management to enhance their understanding of modern-day slavery and human trafficking risks. These programs promote the identification, prevention, and reporting of any potential violations.



Zhero encourages employees, suppliers, contractors, and stakeholders to report any concerns or suspicions of modern-day slavery or human trafficking. Reports can be made through the designated reporting channels, and appropriate action will be taken to address such concerns.

All suspicions and concerns of modern-day slavery or human trafficking can be reported to



This Modern Day Slavery Statement will be reviewed periodically to ensure its effectiveness and compliance with evolving laws and best practices. Updates will be made as necessary to address emerging risks and requirements related to modern-day slavery and human trafficking.

By adhering to this Modern Day Slavery Statement, Zhero reaffirms its commitment to promoting human rights, ethical business practices, and the eradication of modern-day slavery in all its operations and supply chains.